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Our Acoustical Emissions Leak Detection services can pinpoint the source of process leaks and validate the economic impact of leakage across valves in a system.

Our Acoustical Emissions Leak Detection services can pinpoint the source of process leaks and validate the economic impact of leakage across valves in a system.

We can determine which valves are most economically feasible to repair to maximize the impact of the maintenance budget. The results are ranked by financial impact using heat rate or MW Output recovery. We then come back and quantify the effectiveness of repairs.

This service is performed while the plant is online and can be utilized to validate outage scope.  Valve team scope to repair seat leakage that is determined to be not financially justifiable may be able to be removed from the outage.
Gain long-term benefits of resolving vibration issues
Ensure longer-running machinery
Maximize production
Improve profitability
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